In-home aged care provider KinCare has appointed Bernadette Gotch as its new chief executive officer.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has appointed Professor Steve Wesselingh as the next Chief Executive Officer.
Lonnie v WA Council on Addictions Incorporated
TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – high income threshold – fringe benefit tax – ss.382, 394 Fair Work Act 2009 – applicant employed as General Manager of Residential Services and alleged unfair dismissal – respondent raised jurisdictional objection on basis that applicant’s annual rate of earnings exceeded the high income threshold of $162,000 and that he was not covered by an award or an enterprise agreement – applicant contended he was covered by the respondent’s enterprise agreement and that his earnings were less than threshold – applicant claimed the enterprise agreement had broad coverage for all employees located in Perth Metropolitan Area (excluding child care and creche) and that he performed duties within a classification of the agreement – Commission held applicant’s role as General Manager not within the classification structure of the enterprise agreement – Commission held applicant’s employment not covered by an industrial instrument – Commission assessed applicant’s annual rate of earnings at time of dismissal – Commission held applicant’s salary was $141,797 – applicant also used company vehicle with an agreed monetary value of $10,783 – applicant provided with laptop and phone with agreed combined value of $947.19 – respondent contended that payments or adjustments to the applicant's salary to cover accrual of fringe benefit tax on use of company vehicle ought be considered – Commission considered Rofin's Case and Chang – held where an amount paid other than to an employee and other than on their behalf or direction does not meet definition of ‘remuneration’ (Rofin's Case) – Chang approach not required as vehicle assigned agreed value by parties – applicant’s wage adjusted to account for agreed value of car – Commission concluded fringe benefit payments or adjustments not to be counted as remuneration – applicant’s total remuneration was $153,527.19; below high income threshold – jurisdictional objection dismissed.
U2023/565 [2023] FWC 673
Beaumont DP Perth 20 April 2023