Dr Annemarie Newth is the new chief medical officer at Echuca Regional Health.

Mercy Community Services has been served with a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) which is due to be heard by Fair Work Deputy President Beaumont (by telephone (WA time) in Perth at 10am today. (Gregory)

Mercy Connect Limited has been ordered via a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to appear before Fair Work Commissioner McKinnon (By Telephone AEST (NSW Time) in Sydney (Briffa)

Saint John of God Health Care Inc. T/A St. John of God Health Care will answer a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) today at 9am before Fair Work Deputy President O’Keeffe (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Perth (Kirk)

InteliCare Holdings Ltd. announced that Henry Thong (CFO) has resigned from the company. InteliCare has appointed Pieter Klopper from Nexia Perth Pty Ltd. as CFO on a contracted basis. Scott Taylor has also stepped down from his role as Non-Executive Director.

An application by ISS Health Services Pty Ltd (Sch. 3, Item 20A(4) – Application to extend default period for agreement-based transitional instruments) will be the decisional preserve of Justice Hatcher (video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney at 11am today.

St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland will argue the merits of its defence to a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Deputy President Lake in Chambers in Brisbane (Harkins)

Sydney Local Health District is seeking a new chief information officer and director of digital health innovation after Richard Taggart left the position at the beginning of the year. Taggart was appointed Calvary Health Care’s national director of information technology and digital transformation in February. Although a new title, Taggart’s position at Calvary has similar responsibilities to its previous head of digital, a role vacated in February by David Stupple who left after 19 years, and is now with Ramsay Health Care. Sydney Local Health District has its director of clinical information systems Alexandra Wagstaff as acting CIO and director of digital health innovation while it seeks a permanent appointment.