Orana Australia Ltd has been served with a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) notice which will be determined by Deputy President Anderson In Chambers in Adelaide (Ferber)
July 10, 2023
Ivy’s Supported Accommodation Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Spencer In Chambers in Brisbane (Jager)
July 10, 2023
Almost 20 people including experienced clinical leaders, a former SA Health chief executive and a former key pandemic leader are joining the boards of the state’s Local Health Networks in a shake-up of the system steering the course for local healthcare services. Professor Judy Searle will chair the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN), replacing retiring chair Ray Blight who has held the position since 2019. Former SA Health chief executive David Swan also joins the NALHN board. He led SA Health from 2010 to 2016 after four years as chief executive of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, before moving to become the chief executive of St Vincent’s Private Hospitals. Other board appointments include Dr Emily Kirkpatrick to the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network. Other key appointments include Dr Janine Mohamed to the board at Central Adelaide Local Health Network. Dr Mohamed, Narrunga Kaurna woman originally from Point Pearce, has dedicated her career to the Indigenous health sector with experience spanning two decades in nursing, management and policy. The Women’s and Children Health Network welcomes paediatrician Dr David Everett, SA’s former chief pharmacist Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Morris and Dr Tahnya Donaghy to their board. Other new appointees include Tirritpa Ritchie, Alex Zimmerman and Rosey Batt who join Barossa Hills Fleurieu; Roslyn McRae and Craig Fullerton to the Flinders and Upper North board; Lisa Bishop and Glenn Rappensberg to Limestone Coast board; Richard Hearn and Sonia Waters to the Riverland Mallee Coorong board; and Professor Greg Crawford and Kym Thomas to the Yorke and Northern board.
July 7, 2023
Kalyra Communities – James Brown Memorial Trust is facing a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) in front of Fair Work Deputy President Bell (video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Jones)
July 7, 2023
Australian Capital Territory T/A Canberra Health Services is defending a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner McKinnon (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney at 10am (Sandland)
July 7, 2023
Elmasri Health Services Pty Ltd is dealing with a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) before Fair Work Commissioner Johns (by telephone AEST (VIC time) in Melbourne (Mills)
July 6, 2023
Estia Investments Pty Ltd is still wrestling with a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) before Deputy President Anderson in Chambers in Adelaide (Cobb)
July 6, 2023
An application by Sonic HealthPlus (s.120 – Application to vary redundancy pay for other employment or incapacity to pay) will be heard by Commissioner Simpson in chambers in Brisbane at 2pm.