Lucy O’Flaherty joins long-standing NSW residential aged care provider Columbia Aged Care Services. Ms O’Flaherty ­is the provider’s new CEO and replaces Tiffany Boys, who held the role for 11 years.

The Health Services Union (051V) and Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc. T/A Southern Cross Care still have a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) to resolve before Fair Work Commissioner Lee (by telephone AEDT Vic Time) in Melbourne.

Fronditha Care is facing a quartet of s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Deputy President Mansini in Chambers in Melbourne (Giannokopoulos, Kritikos, Teodoreskou and Togia).)

Melba Support Services has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) to defend before Fair Work Commissioner Bissett by telephone AEDT in Melbourne (Drake).

Carino Care Pty Ltd is set to defend a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner McKenna by telephone AEDT (NSW Time) in Sydney (Conteh).

St Vincent de Paul Society Qld is facing a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) in front of Fair Work Commissioner Simpson by telephone (QLD Time) in Brisbane (Sands).

Roberts v Chandler MacLeod & NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Cara Inc is dealing with a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front Fair Work Deputy President Anderson (video using Microsoft Teams) in Adelaide (Lindsay)