St Vincent De Paul Society wants to end its association with a staff member who is determined to stay (Lane).

The Department of Health and Human Services is in dispute with a staff member (Moore).

The West Australian Government has been unable to say where hundreds of jobs will be lost from the state’s public hospitals. The Government has declared the health system is overstaffed by “several hundred” employees.

The cost to taxpayers of the Fair Work Commission investigation into former Labor MP Craig Thomson and the Health Services Union has exceeded $4 million. Commission general manager Bernadette O’Neill told a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Thursday $4,136,000 has been spent.

Fair Work Commission President Iain Ross says he was “profoundly disappointed” to learn that his Vice President Michael Lawler secretly recorded their phone conversations, and has suggested New South Wales Police should investigate.

TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – termination at initiative of employer – s.394 Fair Work Act 2009 – application for unfair dismissal remedy – applicant submitted dismissed unfairly at first meeting with respondent based on allegations of misconduct – respondent submitted applicant still employee on leave without pay – industrial relations consultant advised applicant not to attend further meetings with respondent – respondent sent correspondence stating applicant would be placed on leave without pay them attempted to reschedule further meetings – Commission found applicant’s employment terminated at first meeting – found applicant’s conduct warranted warning but not valid reason for dismissal – found applicant summarily dismissed – not afforded procedural fairness – dismissal harsh, unjust and unreasonable – compensation in lieu of reinstatement ordered – $26,825.10 subject to deduction for taxation in accordance with law and $2584.39 to superannuation fund. Golding v Menarock Aged Care Services (Templestowe) P/L t/a Salisbury House Private Nursing Home.

An application for approval of the Proserpine Nursing Home Support Staff Enterprise Agreement 2015 and an application for approval of the UnitingCare Health & QNU Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2015-2018 will both be heard this morning in Fair Work Brisbane.

An application for approval of the Majestic Health Aged Care, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2014-2017 is to be heard by Fair Work Commissioner Simpson.