Eight nursing students from Thailand are being introduced to the world of aged care nursing in Australia at Mercy Place Mandurah.
May 17, 2016
The Fair Work Commission has approved the Psychiatric Disability Services of Victoria (VICSERV) Employment Agreement 2015-2018.
May 17, 2016
Townsville’s former Labor mayor Tony Mooney has been appointed to the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Board.
May 17, 2016
The Fair Work Commission has ruled that Anna Pendelich has failed ‘procedurally’ to prosecute her unfair dismissal case against Lyrebird Villages for the Aged Inc.
May 17, 2016
The Fair Work Commission has given its approval of the Ramsay Health Care WA Hospitals Health Services Union Enterprise Agreement 2016.
May 16, 2016
Ms Helen Exton lodged a General Protections application involving a dismissal pursuant to s.365 of the Fair Work Act 2009 against Western health. Ms Exton was a care co-ordinator at Western Health in Melbourne. She says that she was forced to resign on 29 October 2015. Ms Exton alleges that she was forced to resign because of a broad campaign of bullying by a range of people. But Fair Work Deputy President Lawrence said – “Having considered all of the factors set out in s.366(2), I am not satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances warranting the granting of a further period for the making of an application under s.366(2). Accordingly, the application is dismissed.” And so Ms Exton is now in the legal wilderness.
May 16, 2016
Jane Hill has made a pigs breakfast of her unfair dismissal claim against the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Department of Human Services. Fair Work Deputy President Kovacic in Melbourne said “The power to dismiss an application if the non-compliance was unreasonable is discretionary. Mrs Hill has failed to respond to the attempts by the Commission to contact her. She has shown no willingness to prosecute her case. In those circumstances, I will exercise my discretion and dismiss Mrs Hill’s application. An order giving effect to this decision will be issued today.”
May 16, 2016
Christine Phillips had failed to ping Access Industries for the Disabled Ltd for unfair dismissal despite being afforded over 12 months to prosecute her claim. Deputy President Gooley has lost patience and closed the claims door.