The Health Services Union (051V) and DPG Services Pty Ltd T/A Opal HealthCare will argue a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner McKinnon (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney

Community Care Tasmania is having to deal with a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) before Fair Work Deputy President Gostencnik (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Jamieson)

Ambulance Victoria must face a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) before Fair Work Commissioner O’Neill (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne at 10am (Grundy)

St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney Limited is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Ryan By Telephone AEST (NSW Time) in Sydney (Mutede).

Health Services Union (051V) and The Trustee for Lifehouse Australia Trust T/A Chris O’Brien Lifehouse have a (s.576(2)(aa) – Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes) matter before Fair Work Commissioner Matheson in the Fair Work Commission at Terrace Tower 80 William Street in East Sydney.

Connecting Abilities Australia Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Commissioner McKenna (By Telephone AEST (NSW Time)) in Sydney (Olodo)

Churches Of Christ Community Care T/A Fresh Hope Communities has a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) set dowh for decision before Commissioner McKenna by telephone AEST (NSW Time) in Sydney (Rich)

An application for approval of the Allied Health Employees (HSU – Healthscope) Enterprise Agreement 2022-2024 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) is before Fair Work Commissioner Platt (By Telephone ACST (SA Time)) for decision today