The Trustee for Ward 4 Medical Trust & Dr Barbra Ward will frame a defence to a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Bissett by Telephone AEDT (VIC Time) in Melbourne (Russell).

An application by Health Services Union (s.437 – Application for a protected action ballot order) will be framed by Fair Work Deputy President Clancy by Telephone AEDT (VIC Time) in Melbourne.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Calvary Health Care ACT Limited T/A Calvary Public Hospital Bruce have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) to be determined by Fair Work Deputy President Dean on-site in the A.C.T. today

An Application by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.240 – Application to deal with a bargaining dispute) will be determined by Fair Work Commissioner Wilson (video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne today.

Mater Misericordiae Limited & Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation-QNMU Branch have a s.576(2)(aa) (Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes) on foot for hearing before Deputy President Lake, Commissioner Hampton (Onsite – Regional) in Brisbane today at 9am

Silver Chain Group Ltd has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) with which it must deal before Deputy President Beaumont in Chambers in Perth (Ferrier)

Client Care First Pty Ltd T/A Client Care First is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) hearing today in front of Commissioner McKinnon (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney (Saddler)

The Trustee for the Salvation Army (QLD) Social Work is to answer a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) today before Fair Work Deputy President Lake in Chambers in Brisbane (Black)