TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – valid reason – casual – s.394 Fair Work Act 2009 – application for relief from unfair dismissal – applicant employed by respondent since January 2012 as residential care worker – applicant Sudanese refugee who came to Australia in 2002 – respondent dismissed applicant in May 2017 after allegations relating to applicant’s conduct were investigated and found proven – applicant submitted decision to terminate his employment was disproportionate to alleged conduct – multiple incidents of disagreements and heated arguments between applicant and other staff members – Commission satisfied there was valid reason for dismissal – however Commission ruled the dismissal was harsh in its consequences on applicant’s personal and economic situation due to no other significant work history in Australia to rely on for seeking future employment – reinstatement deemed inappropriate – compensation of $6855.42 gross ordered. Okiya v Berry Street Victoria Inc t/a Berry Street Victoria Inc

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