TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – termination at initiative of employer – ss. 386, 400, 604 Fair Work Act 2009 – permission to appeal – Full Bench – Commission at first instance dismissed appellant’s application for unfair dismissal remedy – found appellant resigned from employment and resignation was not forced by conduct of respondent – appellant claimed Commission at first instance erred by not having full and proper regard to entire course of respondent’s conduct and made errors of fact – rarely appropriate to grant permission to appeal unless an arguable case of appealable error is demonstrated [Wan] – public interest test is a ‘stringent one’ [Coal & Allied] – Full Bench not satisfied appellant advanced any arguable grounds of appeal – not open to the Commission to find any conduct on respondent’s part forced appellant to resign – found no issues of importance or general application – public interest not enlivened – permission to appeal refused. Appeal by Wilson against decision of Williams C of 16 June 2017 [[2017] FWC 3211] Re: Town of Victoria Park

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