TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – misconduct – ss.394, 400, 604 Fair Work Act 2009 – permission to appeal – Full Bench – appellant contended Commission erred in refusing to allow a further period within which the appellant’s unfair dismissal application could be brought, because she did not take into account the ‘main reason’ explaining the delay in lodgement and that the main reason is said to be ‘computer technical difficulties’ – Full Bench was not persuaded by appellant argument – firstly, to describe ‘computer technical difficulties’ as the main reason explaining delay in lodgement of application is to seek to rewrite the way in which the explanation was given by the appellant in her written submission to the Commission of 5 May 2016 – secondly, the published reasons for the decision indicated the Commission took into account the whole of the appellant’s submission of 5 May 2016 – public interest not enlivened – permission to appeal refused. Appeal by Saville against order of Drake SDP of 18 May 2016 [PR580476] Re: Biripi Aboriginal Medical Service t/a Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre

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