TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – genuine redundancy – ss.389, 390, 394 Fair Work Act 2009 – application for unfair dismissal remedy – applicant employed as parish secretary – applicant dismissed after respondent came to the view that he did not need a full-time parish secretary – whether genuine redundancy – Commission found the dismissal unjust as the respondent failed to fulfil his obligation to genuinely consult the applicant about the redundancy – whether to order a remedy in the case of unfair dismissal is discretionary [Nguyen] – reinstatement not an appropriate remedy as termination on the grounds of redundancy inevitable – outside of Commission’s powers to compensate for manner of dismissal – the finding of unjust dismissal was a measure of relief for applicant – Commission declined to exercise its discretion to order a remedy. Pritchard v Rev. Fr Victor Farrugia, St Augustine’s Catholic Church Melbourne

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