TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – application to dismiss by employer – ss.394, 400, 604 Fair Work Act 2009 – permission to appeal – Full Bench – appeal against decision to dismiss appellant’s unfair dismissal application pursuant to s.399A of FW Act – Commission dismissed application after appellant failed to comply with Consent Order made in respect to her substantive proceedings – appellant’s submissions addressed fairness of dismissal rather than whether there was public interest in granting permission to appeal and appeal of decision – task of assessing public interest test is discretionary one involving broad value judgment [Coal & Allied] – public interest not satisfied simply by identification of error or preference for different result – appeals on question of fact may only be made on ground that decision involved significant error of fact – not persuaded appellant has established arguable case of error in respect to findings – found Commission’s findings were open to him on facts established by evidence – appellant sought to re-run case advanced before Commission in hope of achieving different result – not satisfied appellant established public interest – not satisfied appeal raised any issues of importance or general application beyond the direct interests of the parties nor does it identify diversity of decisions at first instance – not satisfied decision of Commission manifests injustice or result is counterintuitive – permission to appeal refused. Appeal by Hansen against decision and order of Platt C of 31 May 2016 [[2016] FWC 3472] and [PR580948] Re: Calvary Health Care Adelaide Ltd

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