REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS – amalgamation – Transitionally Recognised Association – Sch.1, Cl.6(2) Fair Work Registered Organisations Act 2009 – application to extend status as a Transitionally Recognised Association to allow more time to fully rationalise its internal affairs with those of its federal counterpart – interim decision issued extending transitional recognition of applicant until application determined or further order made – one outstanding issue left – issue was current coverage clause of federal counterpart ambiguous in relation to persons employed by St Johns Ambulance Association in WA – federal counterpart currently reviewing its rules to simplify them – as part of rules review will include the applicants eligibly rule in relation to these WA employees – proposed timetable to take till August 2017 – applicant provided further submissions – applicant undertook at hearing to bring timetable forward to late February 2017 – Commission satisfied applicant had made progress towards rationalising internal affairs with federal counterpart – able to exercise jurisdictional discretion – ordered transitional registration of the applicant extended to 1 January 2018. United Voice WA

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