Jodie Williamson has partially succeeded in getting an appeal up against The State of NSW in respect of NSW Ambulance Services. Her medical dispute claim will now go to review in the new Workers Compensation Commission.

Miss Leigh Hill did not serve the minimum employment period to enable her unfair dismissal claim against Crossways Community Services to be heard.

Kerrie O’Connell has been refused an extension of time to pursue an unfair dismissal claim against the Department of Human Services T/A Centrelink – Adelaide Smart Centre.

Homestyle Aged Care Services will defend a (s.394 – Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Cribb in court 4 – level 6 in Melbourne (Pydde).

An application by Health Services Union (s.318 – Application for an order relating to instrument covering new employer and transferring employees) will be determined by Commissioner Cribb in his Melbourne chambers at 9am.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Lifehouse Australia as the trustee for Lifehouse Australia Trust T/A Lifehouse Australia for its Lifehouse Specialists Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Commissioner Wilson in Melbourne on 28 September 2017.

Harbison Memorial Retirement Village is also facing a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) lodged by a staffer (Shrestha).

The Health Services Union and Harbison Memorial Retirement Village have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Commissioner Johns in his Sydney chambers.