Probiotec Pharma Pty Ltd has a (s.739 – Application to deal with a dispute) to defend (Krajina).

Glenview Community Services Inc is set to defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) lodged by a staffer (Tanner).

Merri Community Health Services will deal with a (s.739 – Application to deal with a dispute) before Deputy President Hamilton in Court 3 & Conference Room B – level 6 in Melbourne at 2.30pm (Stent).

Ruth Hemingway-Frior has got the Western Sydney Local Health District on the hook over her psychological injury. The NSW Workers Compensation Commission is considering a ‘whole person impairment’ claim.

The National Union of Workers has failed to nail Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd T/A Australian Pharmaceutical Industries (API) over a meal allowance claim. Commissioner McKinnon in Melbourne on 26 October 2017 ruled “that meal allowance is not payable under clause 4.4 of the Agreement to employees who can reasonably return home for a meal at any time during a period of work that includes ordinary hours, meal and/or rest breaks and more than one hour of overtime.”

Application for an unfair dismissal remedy – preliminary jurisdictional issue determined – applicant found to be employee – whether dismissal occurred and when – casual employee with continuous service and some expectation of ongoing employment – change to available shifts – dismissal took place within the meaning of the FW Act when advised that no further shifts would be offered – small business fair dismissal code applied but dismissal not consistent – whether dismissal harsh, unjust or unreasonable – valid reason – absence of required procedural steps which led to unfairness – dismissal unreasonable – remedy – compensation determined having regard to all relevant factors including anticipated period of employment and additional income from other employment – order made for Uraidla Physio $2,974 to Mark Mitchell within 14 days.

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW is facing a (s.372 – Application to deal with other contravention disputes) in front of Vice President Catanzariti in his Sydney chambers at 2pm (Smith).

Western Health (Footscray Hospital) and Krawczyszyn have a (s.739 – Application to deal with a dispute) for resolution by Deputy President Hamilton in Melbourne.