After 48 years of running with the ball in the cause of aged care, Bill Dougherty has finally passed it on to someone else. At yesterday’s annual general meeting of Clarence Village Limited, Mr Dougherty, announced he was stepping down from the board after 48 years of service.

An application by Lendlease Services Pty Ltd (s.210 – Application for approval of a variation of an enterprise agreement) will be argued before Deputy President Gostencnik in his Melbourne chambers at 11.30am.

Medwest Health care Pty Ltd is set to defend a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) before Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Court 7 & Conference Room E – level 6 in Melbourne (Dunne).

An application by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.240 – Application to deal with a bargaining dispute) is the preserve of Deputy President Hamilton in Court 3 & Conference Room B – level 6 in Melbourne.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and San Carlo Homes for the Aged Ltd will argue a (s.739 – Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Court 7 & Conference Room E – level 6 in Melbourne today at 2pm.

An application by the Community and Public Sector Union (s.602 – Application to correct obvious error(s) etc. in relation to FWC’s decision) will be heard by Justice Ross of the FWC in Court 9 – level 5 in Melbourne today.

Community Accommodation and Respite Agency Inc will defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Deputy President Anderson in his Adelaide chambers at 2pm (Van Praet).

The Government of South Australia by the Chief Executive of the Department of Premier and Cabinet for the State of South Australia will defend a (s.773 – Application to deal with an unlawful termination dispute) action lodged by a staffer (Dawes).