Miles Witt Partnership t/a Armest Pty Ltd has had its Nanyima Aged Care Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2017 application approved.

Perron Group has appointed former Cedar Woods Properties managing director Paul Sadleir to its board. Mr Sadleir’s new role took effect yesterday, and he joins eight fellow board members, including chair Stan Perron, deputy chair Laurance Iffla and prominent Perth-based company director Fiona Harris.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ltd for its Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ltd Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 20 November 2017.

A decorated ex-serviceman and former manager of Yarrabah’s aged-care centre, who was jailed for fraud, has had his appeal bid dismissed. James Canuto was sentenced to four years to be suspended after serving 18 months following a two day Cairns District Court trial. A jury rejected claimed that Canuto had done nothing wrong in using more than $248,000 of centre funds to buy three Toyota LandCruisers in July 2013. He kept one and gave two to two employees at the centre. Canuto had claimed the vehicles had been in lieu of unpaid services performed by him and the others. The purchases occurred while the centre, initially run by the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council, was transferred over to become Mutkin Residential Aged Care. Canuto appealed the conviction on the grounds that a failure to properly direct the jury as to the use of particular evidence has resulted in a miscarriage of justice. However the Court of Appeal rejected the application finding there was no basis to set aside the jury’s guilty verdict.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Epworth Foundation T/A Epworth HealthCare for its Epworth Healthcare Dietitians, Psychologists, Medical Scientists and Medical Physicists Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021 has been approved by Deputy President Colman in Melbourne on 20 November 2017.

The Salvation Army (Tasmania) Property Trust as Trustee for The Salvation Army (TAS) Social Work has a (s.372 – Application to deal with other contravention disputes) on foot before Commissioner Lee in Hearing Room 8, First Floor in Hobart (Webb).

Armest Pty Ltd T/A Miles Witt Partnership has had its Resthaven On Quarry – Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2017 application granted.

Rural Northwest Health has appointed Janet Feeny as its new chief executive.