Tricare Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Booth in his Brisbane chambers (Harper).

TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – costs – ss.394, 400A, 611 Fair Work Act 2009 – Health Services Union (HSU) made an application for an order that the employee pay the costs HSU incurred in defending the employee’s unsuccessful unfair dismissal claim – prior to the conciliation, HSU filed documents alleging the employee had accessed inappropriate material on the internet whilst as work – HSU also filed a report analysing the employee’s work laptop, after which the employee filed a notice of discontinuance – Commission not satisfied that the employee’s claim had no reasonable prospect of success for the following reasons – while employee was aware of his internet access to inappropriate sites, this would not necessarily lead to a finding that his dismissal was fair – it was not unreasonable for employee to wait until he viewed HSU’s report before deciding to discontinue, as employee had believed the evidence was inaccurate – application for costs dismissed. Health Services Union-Victoria No. 1 Branch v Sanli

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from Balaklava Mill Court Homes Inc T/A Balaklava Mill Court Homes for its Balaklava Mill Court Homes Registered Nurse, Enrolled Nurse and Personal Care Assistant ANMF (Aged Care) Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been granted by Commissioner McKinnon in Melbourne on 7 December 2017.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Melbourne Health will contest a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Deputy President Hamilton in Court 4 & Conference Room C – level 6 in Melbourne.

Uniting AgeWell has appointed Raelene Thompson as the incoming chair of its board.

Mike Callaghan is set to replace Lynda O’Grady at the Aged Care Financing Authority.

An application/notification by Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union of Employees (Sch. 1, Cl. 6(3) RO Act – Application for an extension by a TRA) will be determined by Vice President Hatcher in his Sydney chambers at 4.30pm.

ECH chief executive David Panter has been elected as the SA/NT representative director for aged care peak Leading Age Services Australia.