Olympus Medical Centre (Brisbane City) Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Riordan in Hearing Room 4 in Brisbane at 11am (Cantwell).

National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) with which it must deal before Commissioner Wilson in his Melbourne chambers (Fawcett).

Advanced Dental Care Group Pty Ltd will defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Booth in his Brisbane chambers (Parker).

More than 50 aged-care residents have fallen ill with a stomach bug at a Hove nursing home. At least five staff were also hit by a virulent strain of the contagious norovirus over the Christmas period at the Alwyndor Aged Care centre run by the City of Holdfast Bay. SA Health is providing advice on infection control and dealing with victims. Alwyndor Aged Care general manager Rick Kluge said the home was struck by the virus in the lead-up to Christmas and 52 of the 134 aged residents fell ill between December 18 and 26.

SA Hospital staff took almost five days more sick leave last financial year than 2015-16, prompting claims the spike was fuelled by mounting workplace pressures and stress, and the state’s worst flu season. Office for the Public Sector figures show the number of sick days the average state government worker takes has risen to 10.1. That is almost three days more than those in the private sector, who are monitored by the Australian Human Resources Institute.

Revalyn Naidoo was offered an opioid narcotic only minutes before she was discharged from a private hospital in a sedated state in January, 2012, and 40 minutes before she crashed her car on the 50-kilometre drive home. She recalled “waking up to my head hitting the roof of the car and being airborne and I blacked out again. The next thing was when the ambulance was there scooping up the teeth – my broken teeth from my mouth”, a court heard. NSW District Court Judge David Wilson, SC, has awarded Ms Naidoo nearly $100,000 plus legal costs after finding Brisbane Waters Private Hospital and her treating psychiatrist, Dr Larissa Grund, failed in their duty of care to her after she was allowed to drive home despite repeated warnings about her sedated state. In a judgment in December Judge Wilson found Ms Naidoo, 52, had a cold shower to try to wake herself up on January 17, 2012 before she was discharged, after she repeatedly fell asleep, including at breakfast, and after hospital nursing staff said her bed was needed for another patient. Judge Wilson accepted Ms Naidoo’s evidence that she was given a dose of the strong opioid narcotic OxyContin only hours before discharge. He also accepted her evidence that she questioned whether she should take a second OxyContin dose only minutes before her discharge and the 50 kilometre drive home from Woy Woy to north of Wyong.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by Aged Care Services Australia Group Pty Ltd for its Aged Care Services Australia Group Pty Ltd South Australian Aged Care Employees Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been granted by Fair Work Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Melbourne on 22 December 2017.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by Dougherty Apartments Retirement Housing Project for its Dougherty Apartments, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 21 December 2017.