Cabrini Health Limited is facing a s.604 (Appeal of decisions) by an ex-employee (Verlasquez) before the Full Bench in Court 12 – Level 5 in Melbourne at 2pm.

Salem Lutheran Aged Care Facility has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) matter currently before Fair Work Deputy President Dean in Hearing Room 4 in Brisbane at 3pm (Mendjinon).

Dr Hannah Hall, 22, started her first year internship at John Hunter Hospital, alongside 52 other medical graduates, on Monday. For Hannah Hall, her dream of becoming a doctor began when she was 10, when she watched on in awe as her little sister received life-saving treatment for a rare liver disease. “It is going really well so far,” the junior medical officer said on Monday, her first official day on the job under the NSW Government’s $107 million internship program. Out of a record 999 interns that started work across NSW on Monday, the John Hunter and the Royal Newcastle Centre received one of the largest intakes of medical graduates in the state, after Westmead and Nepean hospitals.

Link Health and Community will defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) lodged by an ex-employee (Rhodes) before Fair Work Commissioner McKinnon in Court 8 & Conference Room G – Level 6 in Melbourne at 3pm.

An Embleton aged care facility has been struck with a limited outbreak of norovirus (gastroenteritis), which forced parts of the facility to be closed. Juniper, the organisation that manages and operates the 70-bed City of Bayswater Hostel on Embleton Avenue, notified the WA Health Department immediately of the first case of gastro last Saturday along with on-going daily updates. Chief executive Vaughan Harding said the department was responsible for giving the “all clear” after at least 48 hours elapsing since the last appearance of symptoms.

An application by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.319 – Application for an order relating to instruments covering new employer and non-transferring employees) will be determined by Fair Work Deputy President Hamilton in Court 4 & Conference Room C – Level 6 in Melbourne at 10.15am today.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by the Migrant Women’s Emergency Support Service Inc T/A Immigrant Women’s Support Service for its Migrant Women’s Emergency Support Service Inc Collective Agreement 2017-2020 has been approved by Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 5 February 2018.

St John of God Health Care will defend a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) in front of Commissioner McKinnon in his Melbourne chambers (Franklin).