The Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation and Eastern Health have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) for resolution before Fair Work Commissioner Cribb in Conference Room E and Conference Room H – Level 6 in Melbourne at 4pm.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by the Trustee for M E G Unit Trust T/A Melbourne Endoscopy Group for the Melbourne Endoscopy Group Nurses’ Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Lee in Melbourne on 12 February 2018.

An application by CPSU (the Community and Public Sector Union) a s.229 (Application for bargaining order) will be heard by Fair Work Deputy President Kovacic in Conference Room 2 in the ACT.

A s.394 (Unfair dismissal) application by Angele Mendjinon against Salem Lutheran Aged Care Facility T/A Salem Lutheran Aged Care has been dismissed by Fair Work Deputy President Dean in Sydney on 12 February 2018.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and MECWA will contest a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Court 4 and Conference Room C – Level 6 in Melbourne at 10am.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by Christophorus House Retirement Village Ltd T/A Christophorus House Retirement Village for its Christophorus House Retirement Village, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 hs been granted by Fair Work Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 13 February.

GroupGSA has appointed Scott Francis as principal of architecture to its team’s Melbourne division.

Healthcare Australia is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) lodged by an ex-staffer (Davis).