Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Paluszak passed away while in the care of Carinity Fairfield Grange rest home in Queensland on November 11 last year, shocking those closest to her. Her daughters Petra Anderson and Monika Simpson are now trying to piece together clues in search for answers about the 84-year-old’s untimely final days. As clues emerge, including a photograph of a nurse taking a photo of Lottie’s coffin and claims the staff member – who has since been dismissed, was seen doing a ‘happy dance’ at the funeral, the heartbroken family members are only left with more questions. ‘I’ve taken some photos because I’m sending those to family overseas so I don’t know why anyone else would want to take a photo of mum… mum’s coffin?’ said Monika. The family are desperate to learn the truth surrounding the cherished great-grandmother’s untimely death but each new piece of information fails to pinpoint one thing – why their mother is dead.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by Great Lakes Aged and Invalid Care Association Pty Ltd T/A GLAICA House for its GLAICA House, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Saunders in Melbourne on 27 February 2018.

The Department of Human Services is to marshall a defence to a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) before Fair Work Deputy President Hamilton in Hearing Room 2 in the ACT at 11.30am.

A s.185 (Enterprise Agreement) application by Crookwell/Taralga Aged Care Ltd for its Crookwell/Taralga Aged Care Ltd, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Saunders in Melbourne on 27 February 2018.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Warrina Homes Incorporated Nursing Employees (ANMF) Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been granted by Fair Work Deputy President Masson in Melbourne on 26 February 2018.

An application by United Voice & Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.437 – Application for a protected action ballot order) will be determined by Fair Work Commissioner Wilson in Court 3 in Melbourne at 4.30pm

An application for variation of the Advanced Lifestyle Solutions Pty Ltd Enterprise Agreement 2015-2019 (s.210 – Application for approval of a variation of an enterprise agreement) will be reviewed by Fair Work Deputy President Gostencnik in his Melbourne chambers at 4.15pm.

Peter Dupas has been charged with murder over the stabbing death of 95-year-old Kathleen Downes at a Brunswick nursing home in 1997. Dupas was charged last week with one count of murder, and will be presented in the Supreme Court in March without facing a committal hearing. Mrs Downes was stabbed three times in the neck and her throat was cut in her room at the Brunswick Lodge Aged Care Facility in the early hours of December 31, 1997. She was last seen at 12:30am when a staff member conduced a routine check of the residents, and her body was found by a second staff member at 6:20am.