Six applications by Estia Investments Pty Ltd (s.120 – Application to vary redundancy pay for other employment or incapacity to pay) are on foot this morning before Fair Work Commissioner Johns in Hearing Room 11-6 – Level 11 in Sydney.
April 24, 2018
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd for its St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd Administration and Support Services Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Melbourne on 23 April 2018.
April 24, 2018
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Ramsay Health Care Australia Pty Ltd will face a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Fair Work Commissioner Johns in Hearing Room 11-6 – Level 11 in Sydney at 4pm.
April 24, 2018
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from Medibank Health Solutions Telehealth Pty Ltd for its MHST Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been granted by Fair Work Commissioner Wilson in Melbourne on 23 April 2018.
April 24, 2018
Consumer and corporate PR firm Res Publica has hired the former editorial director of Fairfax Media, Sean Aylmer as a partner. Res Publica’s current clients include AANA, Aged Care Guild, Allied Pinnacle, Quantium, Lion, Pepsi Co. and Woolworths.
April 24, 2018
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from Performance with People Pty Ltd for its Orana House Incorporated Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner McKinnon sitting in Melbourne on 23 April 2018.
April 23, 2018
A former aged care worker has blown the whistle on what she says are appalling conditions and practices that permeate the industry including harassment and abuse. Adelaide women and experienced aged care worker Eleanor Morgan, 36, spoke to 9 News about why she quit the aged care sector after continued harassment and complaints about conditions went unheard. Miss Morgan is an active and outspoken member of a national aged care reform group and is campaigning for change. Her list of gripes with the industry include a shortage of professional carers while also being significantly underpaid for the work they are expected to put in. ‘If you’ve got 30 people and you’re spread out over a large section, you can’t watch everybody at once and you’ve got people who are high needs, they need to be monitored constantly,’ she said. Unpaid overtime was another issue Ms Morgan said should be addressed as she was required to be at work up to an hour after her knock off time to make sure she completed the required paperwork before calling it a day. The straw that broke the camel’s back and finally lead Ms Morgan to call it quits in the aged care sector was her support of a complaint leading to her being harassed in the work place. ‘I saw my friend bullied out of her job for speaking up. We were chased down the hall by a manager screaming accusations at us,’ she said. Ms Morgan claims she was then the target of intimidation and harassment for her support of a co-worker and friend, going so far as being ‘screamed at’ and ‘physically intimidated’. She believes a fundamental lack of federal funding is having a detrimental and long term impact on the aged care sector, combined with the perceived ‘greed’ of the retirement home operators.
April 23, 2018
Former Australian Medical Association president Keith Woollard has been hauled before the State Administrative Tribunal again, this time facing professional misconduct charges over botched angioplasty surgery that resulted in the death of journalist John Brown in 2005. Counsel representing the Medical Board of Australia on Friday, Fiona Stanton, painted a picture of a man motivated by financial self-interest to perform as many angioplasty procedures as possible in the shortest possible time. The Medical Board of Australia alleges Dr Woollard carried out the procedure unsupervised at the Mount Hospital on December 15, 2005, when he had not yet met accreditation requirements recommended by the Cardiac Society of Australia. The State Coroner ruled Mr Brown died as a result of a coronary artery tear, caused by a wire used by Dr Woollard during the operation. Ms Stanton said Dr Woollard was a shareholder in a company that received fees and incentives from stent manufacturers for every stent used at the catheterisation lab at Mount Hospital — a claim not refuted by the defence. Dr Woollard’s defence lawyer Peter Morris SC conceded his client should not have attempted the complex surgery alone, but argued the mistake represented hubris, not greed. Dr Woollard continued to perform angioplasty at Mount Hospital after Mr Brown’s death and received full accreditation in mid-2006. He is still a practising cardiologist.