A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (a division of the Australian Red Cross Society) T/A Australian Red Cross Blood Service for the Australian Red Cross Blood Service General Enterprise Agreement Tasmania 2017 has been granted by Fair Work Deputy President Colman in Melbourne on 5 April 2018.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from The Trustee of the Roman Church for the Diocese of Lismore for its Diocese of Lismore Care Services, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 has been approved by Fair WOrk Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 6 April 2018.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services Inc for its Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services Inc Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 6 April 2018.

A s.394 (Unfair dismissal) application by Ludovic Coutet against Mackillop Family Service has been dismissed by Fair Work Deputy President Clancy in Melbourne on 5 April 2018. “The power to dismiss an application if the non-compliance was unreasonable is discretionary. Mr Coutet has failed to respond to the many attempts by the Commission to contact him. Apart from initially filing his application, Mr Coutet has shown no willingness to prosecute his case and provided no explanation for either his failure to comply with directions or his non-attendance at the non-compliance hearing. In these circumstances, I am persuaded that I should exercise my discretion under s.399A of the Act and dismiss Mr Coutet’s application.,” he ruled.

A s.437 (Protected action) application by the Health Services Union against Merri Community Health Services Limited T/A Merri Health has been granted by Fair Work Vice President Catanzariti in Sydney on 6 April 2018.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services Inc for a decidedly late Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services Health and Allied Services Enterprise Agreement 2016 has been flagged home by Fair Work Commissioner Saunders in Newcastle on 6 April 2018.

Barada Barna Aboriginal Corporation has a brace of s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal (consent arbitration)) before Commissioner Simpson in Hearing Room 2 in Brisbane (Dargan/Roos).

Dental Corporation (part of BUPA) has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) on its hands before Fair Work Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Court 11 and Conference Room A – Level 5 in Melbourne (Tran).