A mini tornado tossed a garden shed around the courtyard of a Taranaki rest home, damaging several buildings. Nobody was injured but at least one resident of the villas at the Maryann village in Stratford got a fright when debris from the broken shed landed on her roof sometime after 8am on Tuesday, AgeCare Central chief executive Neil Volzke, who is also Stratford District Mayor, said.

Thomson Geer has welcomed a new partner and his team of eight people. Arthur Koumoukelis and his team have joined the national firm in Sydney from Dentons. His team includes a senior associate, a lawyer, and three paralegals.

A Sydney aged care worker has pleaded guilty to assaulting an elderly dementia patient after she was caught on camera. A colleague set up a Go Pro camera inside a room at the Poplars Nursing Home at North Epping last year after becoming increasingly concerned about Dana Gray’s behaviour and the safety of residents. Court documents detail the vision, in which Gray, 59, can be heard to yell “move” before grabbing the 85 year old’s glasses and throwing them onto the bed. The victim screams in distress and then begins to sob as Gray aggressively strips her of her cardigan, top and bra. Gray also slaps her four times and pulls her hair as she puts a night gown on her. When she is done, she swings a rubbish bag at the elderly patient’s head then leaves her with her bed in the high position so she cannot sit or lay down.

Integratedliving Australia is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Deputy President Asbury in his Brisbane chambers at 4pm (Bonthrone).

St Vincent’s Private Hospitals Ltd has a warrior class of s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on its hands before Fair Work Commissioner Booth in his Brisbane chambers (Bolitho/Castles).

William ‘John’ Torrens, or ‘Torro’ as he likes to be called has been missing for more than three months, after walking out of Fairview Nursing Home on January 5. Police are no closer to finding the 73-year-old Moree man.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Epworth Foundation are s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) combatants before Fair Work Commissioner Cribb in Conference Room E and Conference Room F – Level 6 in Melbourne at 10am today.

Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre has been served with a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy). Fair Work Commissioner Saunders at Level 3, 237 Wharf Road in Newcastle will hear the application (Cowling).