Other than prime ministers or presidents, few people can empathise with the pressure of acting on the behalf of 20 million people. But that is what Dr Isabelle Skinner has been elevated to do in her appointment as the chief executive officer of the International Council of Nursing (ICN). As a federation of more than 130 national nursing associations, including the Australian College of Nursing, Dr Skinner will soon represent more than 20 million nurses worldwide.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from RSL LifeCare Ltd for its RSL LifeCare, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner McKenna sitting in Sydney on 5 June 2018.

David Blight is getting a seat on the Cromwell board after the Singapore-based ARA Asset Management acquired a 19.5% stake in Cromwell Property Group in March. Blight is the chief executive and managing director for ARA’s Australian business. Blight also currently holds a non-executive directorship at Japara Healthcare, a listed residential aged care business, where he chairs the nomination and remuneration committee.

Wyndham Centre Inc is dealing with a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) in front of Fair Work Deputy President Barclay in Hearing Room 8, First Floor in Hobart (Meyers).

Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to counter in front of Deputy President Colman in Donata’s Room Mildura Grand Hotel Seventh Street Mildura at 10am (Hunt).

Pulse Radiology/Woonona Medical Imaging is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Riordan in Port Kembla Court House Darcy Rd in Port Kembla (Vanjour).

The Health Services Union-New South Wales Branch and Gulgong Hostel Association Incorporated have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Fair Work Commissioner Johns in Court 2 – Level 6 in Melbourne today.

A man who allegedly punched and spat on a paramedic who was trying to help him has been charged by police. The 44-year-old male paramedic was called to help a man in Epping who had become unconscious after drinking excess quantities of alcohol. However, as the patient woke he allegedly became aggressive and abusive before spitting at the paramedics. After sedating the patient they were wheeling him on a stretcher to the ­ambulance when the patient lunged, punching one of the paramedics in the face. The punch also caused the stretcher to tip, prompting the paramedic to try to stop the man falling and injuring his own back in the process. Victoria Police also confirmed a man had been charged after he allegedly assaulted a paramedic in Epping last month.