Impact Community Services Inc will face a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) today before Fair Work Commissioner Booth in his Brisbane chambers (Childs).

Medibank Private Garrison Health Services will defend a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) before Fair Work Deputy President Clancy in Court 5 & Conference Room D – Level 6 in Melbourne (Kinross).

The Health Services Union and Eastern Health have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Fair Work Commissioner Cribb in Conference Room E and Conference Room F – Level 6 in Melbourne.

A s.185(Enterprise agreement) application from Correct Care Australia Pty Ltd for its Correct Care Australasia Pty Ltd for its Correct Care Australasia Nurses (Victorian Prisons) Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Lee in Melbourne on 20 June 2018.

Specialist rostering at the Royal Adelaide Hospital is again under review after a repeat of the circumstances surrounding two stroke patient deaths, which are currently the subject of a coronial inquest. From July, two senior radiologists will both be on leave at the same time for a period of nine days — a situation the hospital sought to avoid following the deaths of Michael John Russell, 60, and Leslie Robert Graham, 87, in April last year. Mr Russell and Mr Graham arrived at the RAH on the same day and needed clot reduction procedures. At the time of their deaths, two specialist interventional neuroradiologists (INRs) were both on holiday. SA Health Minister Stephen Wade has said he was “surprised and disappointed” a similar rostering problem would occur in July, suggesting it could increase the risk for patients.

Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District will defend a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) today before Fair Work Commissioner Booth in his Brisbane chambers (Hannah).

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application filed by Catholic Homes Incorporated for the Catholic Homes Incorporated Registered Nurses (ANF) Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Lee in Melbourne on 13 June 2018.

Complete Care Physio Health Group has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) on its legal plate (Das).