Anglicare Community Services has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Commissioner Johns in chambers (Dav).

Braemar Presbyterian Care has appointed Amy Andrews the newly created role of project and asset manager.

East Arnhem Regional Council will defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Bissett in the Fair Work Commission Level 10 NT House 22 Mitchell Street Darwin (Wunungmurra).

Aveo Group has appointed Gillian Hirst as executive chef of Aveo Newstead in Brisbane.

Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) SA Health has a s.773 (Application to deal with an unlawful termination dispute) listed with Fair Work Commissioner Hampton in Conference Room 6a – Level 6 in Adelaide (Vournas).

Hills Limited has announced the appointment of Andy Hall as head of Hills Health Solutions, Australia and New Zealand.

Calvary Public Hospital is trying to contain a current gastro outbreak in two wards at the hospital. The chief health officer has been notified about the norovirus outbreak which comes after a similar incident on June 17.

Gordon Andrews went missing from the Culburra Retirement Village on Wednesday, December 12, 2012. Gordon Andrews was admitted to the Culburra Retirement Village on Monday, December 10, 2012 and went missing from the facility two days later, Wednesday, December 12 at about 3pm. Mr Andrews was 79 at the time and would now be aged 85. He is still missing.