The Health Services Union – New South Wales Branch and the Anglican Community Services have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) contretemps on foot before Fair Work Vice President Catanzariti in his Sydney chambers.
August 9, 2018
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from Clinical Laboratories (WA) P/L T/A Australian Clinical Laboratories for its Clinical Laboratories (WA) HSUWA Enterprise Agreement 2018 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Lee sitting in Melbourne on 8 August 2018.
August 9, 2018
Japara Healthcare is facing a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Fair Work Commissioner Cribb in Conference Rooms E & H – Level 6 in Melbourne at 3.30pm (Sarmiento).
August 9, 2018
HSU aged care manager Rob Sheehy wants to see the federal government unlock the funding freeze to aged care services.
August 9, 2018
A Toowoomba aged care facility has backed down from proposed cuts to registered nursing hours int he face of opposition from residents.
August 9, 2018
The Australian Medical Association (Victoria) Limited and Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd are at s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) loggerheads before Commissioner Cribb in Conference Rooms E & H – Level 6 in Melbourne.
August 9, 2018
An elderly couple believe they contracted the highly contagious norovirus — the world’s leading cause of gastroenteritis — because of poor infection control at the Canberra Hospital. Robert Dew, 74, and his wife Julie, 72, said they were visiting an elderly friend last week who had contracted the virus. The couple said staff failed to warn them of the risks and allowed them into the room for about an hour without protective gear. The patient, 97-year-old Neville*, vomited and coughed before a nurse advised Mr and Mrs Dew they should not be in the room without masks. Also with them for the visit was the patient’s partner, 87-year-old Dorris*, who on Sunday was rushed to Calvary Hospital by ambulance after falling violently ill with the same virus. She remains in hospital. On Monday morning, Mrs Dew was also rushed to Calvary Hospital after becoming sick and has since been diagnosed with norovirus. Mr Dew was also feeling unwell on Wednesday afternoon and believed he too had contracted the virus, which is more prevalent during the colder months. Both Mr and Mrs Dew have serious underlying health conditions, which they believed put them at higher risk.
August 9, 2018
An application by Health Services Union (S.236 – Application for a majority support determination) is the preserve of Fair Work Commissioner Johns in his Melbourne chambers today.