Community Accommodation and Respite Agency Inc is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Platt in Conference Room 6b – Level 6 in Adelaide at 2pm (Kumarapperuma).

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Albury Wodonga Health will argue the merits of a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Cribb in Conference Room E & F – Level 6 in Melbourne at 2.30pm.

The Health Services Union and The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne hope to resolve a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) through Fair Work Commissioner Cribb in Conference Room E & F – Level 6 in Melbourne at 12.30pm.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and St John of God Health Care Inc have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Commissioner Cribb in Conference Room E & F – Level 6 in Melbourne.

An application by Health Services Union (s.240 – Application to deal with a bargaining dispute) is set for hearing before Deputy President Kovacic in his ACT chambers at 2pm.

An application for approval of the Royal Far West and the Health Services Union NSW Branch, the NSWNMA and the ANMF (NSW Branch) Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) will be the preserve of Fair Work Commissioner McKenna in Hearing Room 12-2 – Level 12 in Sydney at 11am.

Ozcare has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to face in front of Deputy President Asbury in his Brisbane chambers at 3pm (Nguyen).

Baptist Union of Queensland will defend a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Fair Work Commissioner Simpson in Hearing Room 2 in Brisbane (Whitby).