A s.394 (Unfair dismissal) claim by Desanka Nestorovska against Ngarluma & Yindjibarndi Foundation Limited (Administrators Appointed) T/A NYFL has been successful. Deputy President Binet in Perth on 16 August 2018 ruled inf avour of compensation, but with the sued entity in administration, Mrs Nestorovska may get zip.

Uniting Communities will fight a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) claim before Fair Work Commissioner Riordan in his NSW chambers at 11am (Cook).

The Victorian Coroner, Judge Sara Hinchey, has temporarily stood down from her position while the Judicial Commission of Victoria investigates a serious complaint about her alleged conduct. In a statement released this morning, Judge Hinchey said: “I have today notified the Chief Justice, the Chief Judge and the Attorney-General of my decision in order to allow the appropriate process to take place. “In the interim, I will return to sit in a full-time capacity as a Judge of the County Court. The work of the Coroners Court is critical, particularly to the many Victorian families seeking answers as they mourn the loss of loved ones. I do not wish for this issue to distract from this vital work.” Judge Hinchey said: “In accordance with the Commission’s processes, I am preparing a response to the allegations.

A Chinese medicine practitioner has been granted bail after being charged over the death of a woman in June. Yun Sen Luo, 52, has been charged with the manslaughter of 56-year-old Chaun Ying Xia. Police say the woman had been receiving treatment from the practitioner for type 2 diabetes since she arrived in Australia in March. It is alleged she had been told by Mr Luo to stop taking all medication, including insulin, and to take herbal remedies instead. Chaun Ying Xia, who had been staying with her daughter and her family in St Ives in Sydney, became unwell and died at Hornsby Hospital on June 8. A police strike force was established to investigate the death and after post mortem results were confirmed, Mr Luo was arrested by police on Thursday. He applied for bail at Hornsby Local Court, and was unopposed. A police fact sheet tendered to the court reveal Mr Luo is an Australian citizen who lives with his de facto partner in Sydney’s north-west, and has no criminal history. The document alleged police had not seen him show any remorse “at all” for the victim and her family. Police also expressed concerns that if bail was granted “the victim’s family would be very wary … for the safety of other people”. The court heard the practitioner’s registration has been suspended.

Vedas Dental Pty Ltd is to face a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) claim before Deputy President Asbury in his Brisbane chambers (ELS).

A s.225 (Enterprise agreement) cancellation request from Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Land Manager T/A Eastern Suburbs Memorial park for its Botany Cemetery Trust and Eastern Suburbs Crematorium Trust Trading as Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park Enterprise Agreement Customer Service and Administration Staff 2011 has been agreed by Fair Work Senior Deputy President Hamberger in Melbourne on 16 August 2018.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from TSI Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd for the TSI Pharmaceuticals and National Union of Workers Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been approved by Fair Work Commissioner Lee sitting in Melbourne on 16 August 2018.

A s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) sought by Sonny Pettit against Japara T/A Noosa Residential care has failed. Deputy President Asbury in Brisbane on 16 August 2018 said no.