Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service has a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) to answer in front of Commissioner Thorton in chambers in Adelaide

Vitalcare Pty Ltd will defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy)in front of Fair Work Deputy President Lake (In Chambers) in Brisbane

Union Housing is facing a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) before Fair Work Commissioner Tran (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne

Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation an Goulburn Valley Health T/A GV Health & Ms Olivia Gallace s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Fair Work Deputy President O’Neill in Court 11 – Level 5 in Melbourne

The Center of Neurodiversity Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Fair Work Commissioner P Ryan (Video using Microsoft Teams) In Sydney

The Health Services Union and Monash Health will contest a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Fair Work Commissioner Harper-Greenwell (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne

The Health Services Union and Monash Health T/A Monash Medical Center will toe to toe a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before an attentive Fair Work Commissioner Connolly in Court 6 – Level 6 in Melbourne at 2pm

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) to explain in front of Commissioner Connolly (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne today (Moore)