An application by Nurses’ Professional Association of Queensland Inc (s.229 – Application for a bargaining order) will be drawn from Commissioner Booth in Hearing Room 1 in Brisbane.
May 27, 2019
Stafford City Pharmacy Pty Ltd has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) with which it must deal before Fair Work Commissioner Hunt in Hearing Room 4 in Brisbane (Ryan).
May 27, 2019
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association for the Merri Health Enterprise Agreement 2018 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Yilmaz in Melbourne on 24 May 2019.
May 27, 2019
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application lodged by Yamatija Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation for the Yamatija Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation Enterprise Agreement 2018 has been granted by Fair Work Deputy Beaumont in Perth on 23 May 2019.
May 27, 2019
Sick children and their families have been exposed to potentially deadly listeria bacteria in sliced ham at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.The bacteria was detected in ham sandwiches and salads served to patients on wards and in the hospital’s emergency department, which may also have been shared with family members and visitors.
May 27, 2019
The Royal District Nursing Service (SA) Ltd is to answer a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) at noon before Fair Work Deputy President Anderson in Conference Room 6a – Level 6 in Adelaide (Vella).
May 27, 2019
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency is fighting a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Deputy President Beaumont in Chambers in Perth (Corney).
May 27, 2019
Uniting Care Queensland & Thomas are facing a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) before Fair Work Commissioner McKinnon in Chambers in Melbourne (Faustini) at 10AM today.