St John of God Midland Public Hospital staff said that a senior nurse was punched in the face by a man just after 9pm last night. The nurse received a black eye but was back at work today. The alleged attacks come as statistics reveal an incident of aggression was reported at a WA hospital at an average of once every hour last year. Health Minister Roger Cook said the circumstances of the incident and what led to it needed to be investigated.

A man charged with stabbing a nurse at Royal Perth Hospital on Sunday had been arrested by police hours earlier on an unrelated warrant. A police spokesman said the 30-year-old was already on his way to the hospital when police arrested him. Due to the serious nature of his medical condition, he was released into the hospital’s care and arrangements were made to apprehend him again once he had received treatment. In the meantime, it is alleged he used a makeshift weapon to stab a 55-year-old female nurse in the neck when she had her back turned about 1:30am on Sunday. The nurse was treated in the hospital and has since been discharged. The 30-year-old Gnowangerup man was taken back into police custody and charged with the aggravated assault of a public officer and weapons offences. He is due to face Perth Magistrates Court later this month on those charges, and separate charges of aggravated assault and stealing a car. The Australian Medical Association of WA yesterday condemned the alleged incident and called for more security staff in the state’s hospitals.

The Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation and Ballarat Health Services have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in his Melbourne chambers.

An application for approval of the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ltd Enterprise Agreement 2018 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) falls to Deputy President Kovacic in his ACT chambers.

An application for approval of the Infinite Aged Care – SA and Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation – ANMF – SA Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2018 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) is to be determined by Fair Work Commissioner Platt in Hearing Room 6.2 – Level 6 in Adelaide.

Camden Community Centre Incorporated (Administrators Appointed) is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Fair Work Commissioner Platt in Conference Room 6a – Level 6 in Adelaide (Handler).

The Health Services Union and Austin Health have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Fair Work Deputy President Hamilton in Court 3 – Level 6 and Conference Room B – Level 6 in Melbourne.

Australian Home Care will front up to answer a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Deputy President Clancy in his Victorian chambers (Jwad).