The Health Services Union and Austin Health T/A Austin Health have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) to resolve before Commissioner Johns (By Telephone AEST (VIC Time) in Melbourne at 10.30am

The Housing Trust is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Commissioner Riordan (By Telephone AEST (NSW Time) in Sydney (Schick)

An application by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.437 – Application for a protected action ballot order) will be ruled upon by Deputy President Cross (video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney at 1pm

Ambulance Victoria will debate a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) in front of Fair Work Commissioner Lee (Court 12 – level 6, conference room A – level 5) in Melbourne at 10am (Mitchell)

An application by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.437 – Application for a protected action ballot order) will be determined by Deputy President Cross (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney today

BlueCross Aged Care executive Penelope Marshall has been appointed as the newest member of the national nursing board.

An application for approval of the Arcare Pty Ltd, NSWNMA/ANMF NSW Branch and HSU New South Wales Branch, (NSW and ACT) Enterprise Agreement 2023 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) is with Fair Work Commissioner Ryan (Video using Microsoft Teams) for his wisdom in Sydney today at 10am.

First Call Services has a brace of s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) matters set before Fair Work Deputy President Hampton (By Telephone ACST (SA Time) in Adelaide (Raza/Kanapaddala Gamage)