A Gold Coast obstetrician was caught with nine grams of ice, magic mushrooms, 27.5 ecstasy tablets and cannabis, it has been alleged. Ashraf Mohamed Hanafy, 57, appeared in Southport Magistrates Court for the first time this morning to face charges of possessing dangerous drugs, possessing utensils relating to drugs and failing to take reasonable care disposing of a syringe. Hanafy, who delivered multiple Gold Coast babies per week and is researching uterus transplants, was allegedly caught with the drugs after a raid on his Reedy Creek home on June 15, according to documents filed to the court. A police affidavit filed to the court alleges police raided Hanafy’s home after the 57-year-old tested positive to the drug ice during a roadside drug test. “During that search warrant, police located quantities of methylamphetamine (approximately 9 grams – over schedule), cannabis (approximately 136g), 27.5 MDMA tables and psilocybin (magic mushrooms – 8 grams),” the document said. Police allegedly then contacted the Queensland Health Ombudsman to report the matter. “Dr Hanafy is a single male who lives alone,” the document said. “He is also a professor for Bond University in the field of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. “He is also a doctor at the John Flynn Hospital where he has responsibility for delivering multiple babies per week.” The affidavit also alleges police had conducted the roadside test because they had received “intelligence information” that Hanafy was involved with ice. Hanafy was given bail in the watch-house on the condition he surrender his passport and not approach an international departure point. Hanafy’s lawyer Michael McMillan, of McMillan Criminal Lawyers, this morning attempted to have the doctor’s bail conditions changed so he could approach an airport. “He has lost his ability to work at John Flynn Hospital and will be excluded from the Bond teaching program,” Mr McMillan said. Hanafy is also fighting to keep his ability to remain registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. “His bigger fight is with AHPRA than in this court,” Mr McMillan said. Mr McMillan argued the loss of Hanafy’s ability to work for allegedly having the drug was far more severe than what he would get if convicted.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Uniting AgeWell Victoria have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) set for hearing before Fair Work Commissioner Gregory in Court 11 – Level 5 and Conference Room A – Level 5 in Melbourne.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Churches of Christ in Queensland for the Churches of Christ in Queensland Business Support Staff Enterprise Agreement 2018 has been granted by Fair Work Deputy President Millhouse, in Melbourne, on 18 June 2019.

Sigma Healthcare is accused of a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) breach in an action to be heard by Commissioner McKinnon in Court 4 – Level 6 and Conference Room C in Melbourne (Jack).

An application for approval of the NSW Users and AIDS Association, Inc. (NUAA) Enterprise Agreement 2018 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) will be determined by Fair Work Deputy President Millhouse in Chambers in Melbourne.

Nagarluma Aboriginal Corporation PBC is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Deputy President Binet in Hearing Room 12.32 in Perth (Xavier).

Warrina Innisfail and Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation have a s.576(2)(aa) (Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes) awaiting a determination by Fair Work Commissioner Spencer in Warrina Street Innisfail QLD 4860 today.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by the Elderly Chinese Home Inc. for its Elderly Chinese Home Inc., ANMF and HSU Enterprise Agreement 2017 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Gregory, in Melbourne, on 1 July 2019.