CMAX Clinical Research will answer a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) in front of Fair Work Deputy President Anderson in Conference Room 6a – Level 6 in Adelaide (Hanna).

A s.365 (General protections) application sought by Angella Everingham against Candice Care Inc; Candice Dover has been dismissed by Fair Work Commissioner Yilmaz sitting in Melbourne, only 8 July 2019.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from Urapuntja Health Service Aboriginal Corporation for the Urapuntja Health Service Enterprise Agreement 2018 – 2022 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Gregory sitting in Melbourne, on 8 July 2019.

Bethanie has partnered with the Australian Medical Association to establish a new leadership program.

Vincent Court has welcomed the Federal Government’s Department of Health decision to lift sanctions after it successfully met the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s accreditation standards. Vincent Court, a 99-bed residential aged care facility, is part of the Macleay Valley Catholic Parish Kempsey and managed by Catholic Care of the Aged (CCA) Port Macquarie.

The results of a recent audit of aged care facilities has shown Cairns to offer some of the worst patient-to-nurse ratios in the state. The audit revealed the average care hours per resident per day in the federal electorate of Leichhardt amounted to just over two hours a day, which was almost half the recommended ratio. Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union said every facility checked across 30 federal electorates was chronically and dangerously understaffed but Leichhardt was one of the poorest performers and was in the bottom six electorates.

The Aged Care Guild has announced Victorian-based provider Medical and Aged Care Group as a new member.

Graphic images showing horrific pressure injuries suffered by an elderly woman allegedly neglected while in residential care have been shown at the Royal Commission into Aged Care. Shirley Fowler, 92, developed pressure ulcers on both her feet in 2017 that were initially missed by inadequately trained staff and became infected. One foot was so seriously injured it exposed bone and developed harmful necrotic tissue shown to the commission in photographs. Mrs Fowler then developed contractures in her legs, which resulted in the freezing of a limb in a foetal position due to the atrophy of muscles. She is now immobile and can only move her eyes, which may have been avoided if she had received physiotherapy and massaging, Mrs Fowler’s daughter Lyndall told the commission in Darwin on Tuesday.