Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service have a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer before Commissioner Platt in chambers in Adelaide (Duncan).
August 6, 2019
Calvary Health Care ACT Limited has a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) which it must defend before Fair Work Deputy President Dean in the Fair Work Commission Level 3 14 Moore Street in Canberra (Hijazi).
August 6, 2019
Latrobe Community Health Service Ltd & Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union and Another have a s.576(2)(aa) – Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes) before Fair Work Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Latrobe Community Health Service 20/24 Philip Parade Churchill Victoria 3842 for a decision.
August 6, 2019
A Gold Coast retiree behaved “bizarrely” when she ran over her neighbour, causing a compound fracture and multiple other fractures to her leg. Pamela Anne Jessep, 65, kept backing into her garage, closed the door and then retreated into her Labrador home after running over the 66-year-old neighbour about 10.30am on April 23. Other neighbours rushed to treat the woman, who was on the ground with bone sticking out of her leg. Jessep pleaded guilty in the Southport Magistrates Court today to one count of driving without due care causing grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Kay Philipson fined Jessep $700 and banned her from driving for six months. “I do find it quite bizarre that you didn’t go to the woman’s assistance,” she said. Magistrate Philipson said the incident had caused the victim to lose a lot of independence. Police prosecutor Senior Constable Danielle Myers told the court the neighbour had approached Jessep as she was backing into her garage and gestured that she wanted to talk to her. The 66-year-old woman was about five metres away from Jessep’s car. Sen. Const. Myers said Jessep then drove forward, striking her neighbour. “The defendant reversed into the garage and shut the garage door,” she said. The court was told the victim needed surgery to a metal plate inserted into her leg. As well as a number of fractures, the woman’s ankle was also dislocated. Sen Const. Myers said the victim had told prosecutors she did not want police to ask Jessep to pay compensation. Jessep’s lawyer Abbey Huckstep, of Legal Aid Queensland, said Jessep did not go to the woman’s aid because other people were already helping her. “She was in shock and her thought was that going there and being the person who caused it she might have gotten attacked herself,” she said. Ms Huckstep said Jessep had no criminal history and her only traffic history was running a red light in 1994 and again in 2009. The court was told Jessep worked as a nurse for more than two decades and now did a lot of volunteer work. Ms Huckstep said Jessep has been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. No conviction was recorded.
August 6, 2019
An application for approval of the Illaroo Co-operative Aboriginal Corporations, NSWNMA and HSU NSW Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) falls to a decision from Fair Work Deputy President Kovacic (By Telephone) in the ACT.
August 6, 2019
AusHealth Corporate Pty Ltd Wholly Owned by Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) – a division of SA Health working Australia wide, has a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) matter with which it must deal before Fair Work Commissioner Simpson in the Fair Work Commission Central Plaza Two level 14 66 Eagle Street Brisbane at 11am (Montgomery).
August 6, 2019
The Health Services Union and Bellarine Community Health will contest a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) in front of Deputy President Clancy in the Fair Work Commission 11 Exhibition Street in Melbourne at 2pm.
August 6, 2019
Moorditch Gurlongga Assoc. will face a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of a Fair Work Arbitration Roster appointee in the Fair Work Commission 111 St Georges Terrace Perth at 10am on Wednesday (Kaur).