An elderly woman is in a serious condition in hospital after she was attacked in the bedroom of her retirement village home in Sydney’s northern suburbs by an unknown male intruder. Police said the 84-year-old had returned to her unit at a retirement village on Bobbin Head Road, North Turramurra, about 12.25pm on Saturday to find a strange man in her bedroom. The man seriously assaulted the woman before fleeing the scene, police said. Police and paramedics attended and the woman was taken to Sydney Adventist Hospital by ambulance with multiple serious injuries and lacerations to her face, chest and arm. She remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition.
November 18, 2019
Aldinga Day and Night Surgery is still defending a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) being heard by Commissioner Platt in Hearing Room 6.2 – Level 6 in Adelaide (Kelton).
November 18, 2019
Alexandria Eves claims compensation for weekly benefits from Mission Australia from 10 February 2016 to date and continuing for incapacity as a result of two injuries referred to in the Application to Resolve a Dispute registered 28 June 2019 (the Application). The injuries listed in Part 4 of that document are: (a) psychological injury with an adjustment disorder with depressed and anxious mood as a result of bullying and harassment in the course of her employment with Mission Australia (the Respondent). The (deemed) date of injury claimed is 10 February 2016, and (b) significant injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident which occurred when the application was driving from Bourke to Cobar on 19 February 2016. The accident occurred about 45 km from Cobar after Ms Eves left Bourke at around 6.30 pm – 6.45 pm on that day.
November 18, 2019
A section 394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) sought by D.A. against Baptist Care SA has been granted by Fair Work Deputy President Anderson in Adelaide on 15 November 2019. Summary: “Application for an unfair dismissal remedy – third-party psychological assessment as to suitability – production order sought for psychological assessment report – application granted on conditions.” Currently, a third-party provider (PsychCheck) is the main organisation approved by the Department to make such assessments. PsychCheck is required to operate under the terms of its accreditation with the Department. The current PsychCheck assessment protocol involves a psychometric evaluation, one-on-one interviews with the relevant person and a risk mitigation relevance model which involves, in the case of an ‘unsuitable’ determination, agreement between three psychologists including the primary assessing psychologist. D.A. submits that as PsychCheck’s processes now include the release of a modified psychological report to all employees deemed “Currently Psychologically Unsuitable”, D.A. should be given access to the Report and to the extraneous material despite his assessment having occurred prior to this change in PsychCheck’s process. PsychCheck submit that it would be inappropriate and of no relevant utility to the Applicant to have the psychometric test data released. They argue that the data would not make sense to anyone but a qualified psychologist, and the release of the data risks PsychCheck’s methods becoming public, which may put the integrity of future tests. The Commission’s power to order production of documents is contained within section 590 of the FW Act. Section 387 of the FW Act contemplates that matters beyond the conduct of the employer are of potential relevance in unfair dismissal proceedings. For example, where an employer relies upon, or is compelled to rely upon, an assessment by a third party of an employee’s suitability for their job in making a decision to dismiss, then the conduct of that third party may be a relevant matter within the meaning of section 387(h) of the FW Act. “The Order I make will be in the following terms: That PsychCheck of 117 Wright Street, Adelaide South Australia produce to the Applicant D.A. copies of any and all documents in relation to a psychological assessment it has conducted of the Applicant D.A. relevant to its assessment in July 2019 that he was “Currently Psychologically Unsuitable” (the assessment) including but not limited to:
the Psychological Suitability Assessment (PSA) Report created by PsychCheck concerning the Applicant D.A.;
notes of interview or interviews with the Applicant D.A. made by PsychCheck or persons engaged by PsychCheck during the course of the assessment; and
psychometric data created by PsychCheck during the course of the assessment,” said Deputy President Anderson.
November 18, 2019
Access Community Services Limited has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) readied for an answer before Commissioner Spencer in chambers in Brisbane (Yousefipour).
November 18, 2019
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from Independent Living Centre of Western Australia Inc for the Independent Living Centre of WA Inc Enterprise Agreement 2019 (Health and welfare services) has been ratified by Fair Work Deputy President Colman in Melbourne on 15 Melbourne on 15 November 2019.
November 15, 2019
MWP Care Limited has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) set for hearing before Commissioner Johns in chambers in Sydney (Smyth).
November 15, 2019
A s.437 (Protected action) application from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation citing Hobsons Bay City Council has been granted by Fair Work Deputy President Gostencnik in Melbourne on 14 November 2019.