A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from St John of God Health Care Inc T/A St John of God Health Care for the St John of God Health Care Maintenance Caregivers Agreement 2019 has been ratified by Commissioner Williams in Perth on 17 January 2020.
January 20, 2020
A s.159 (Alteration of other rules of organisation) sought by The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has been allowed by Catherine Luby in Melbourne on 17 January 2020.
January 20, 2020
Elderly residents of an aged care facility will be on high alert after a vandal broke in stealing a new car and cash from a locked safe. Today’s early morning raid has only heightened concern at Rocky Ridge Aged Care Facility following an incident which saw an intruder attempting to steal from a resident of the home just last week. Elizabeth O’Connor, the manager of Australian Regional and Remote Community Services, said the break-in occurred at around 3am despite staff and 25 residents on site. “To pick on an aged care facility is a total disrespect for the impact,” she said. “This is a not-for-profit aged care service provider and money spent remedying and upgrading is money that can’t be spent on direct resources.”
January 20, 2020
Police have welfare concerns for a missing man who has several health issues. Midland Police are urgently seeking information regarding the whereabouts of 71-year-old Vincent Angel. He was last seen at the aged care facility in Helena Valley that he resides at last night.
January 20, 2020
Cold-hearted thieves have hit a community group supporting men’s health for the third time in five months. In a cruel twist, the crooks made off with new security cameras which were due to be installed just days later. Following the first two robberies president and treasurer of Western Port Men’s Shed Colin Prowd bought the CCTV equipment, but it hadn’t been hooked up to the cloud when the thieves struck. Mr Prowd said the shed had been robbed of about $25,000 worth of equipment between the three robberies, but this had been the worst with $10,000 worth of goods taken.
January 20, 2020
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Djerriwarrh Health Services will debate a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Bissett in Court 5 – Level 6 and Conference Room D – Level 6 in Melbourne.
January 20, 2020
A midwife at a busy public hospital and a Extinction Rebellion activist claimed sick leave at taxpayers’ expense on the same day she was arrested for protesting. Redcliffe Hospital midwife Emma Dorge – who calls herself Emma Jade on social media – was arrested on October 9 for allegedly breaching her bail conditions, which banned her from entering Brisbane’s CBD. Hospital management is agonising over what to do about Dorge, 23, given that she tried to claim sick leave on the taxpayer when she was also involved in a protest, where she is accused of breaking the law. It is understood management found out she had not been that sick because on the day she live-streamed herself in a police watch-house after she was arrested. Posted on her Facebook page, Dorge said, “Resist. Do something. Do not uphold the state. Our lives, our ecosystems are at stake. “Every morning I wake up exhausted and terrified of the world we live in and how much worse it’s going to get. And if you’ve got the privilege and ability to have some sort of resistance, and you don’t then, I’m angry at you too. “You’re living on stolen land, in an illegal occupation of so-called Australia and you’re watching the sixth mass extinction unfold.” When asked what action had been taken against Dorge, a Redcliffe Hospital spokesman said: “Redcliffe Hospital’s maternity service has appropriate staffing arrangements in place that ensure clinical care is not compromised when individual staff are absent. “Metro North Hospital and Health Service demands high standards of personal integrity and professional conduct from all its staff. “Should any staff member fail to meet those standards, appropriate action can be taken through the relevant industrial process,” the spokesman said. “As this matter is currently before the courts, it would not be appropriate to make a comment about this matter at this time. For privacy and confidentiality reasons, we also do not comment on individual HR matters.” Ms Dorge questioned where the information had come from and which hospital was involved. She hung up after being asked if she took sick leave on October 9 to attend a protest.
January 20, 2020
Lik Loh, a GP who spent his formative years working in a free clinic, is South Canterbury’s new primary care chief medical officer.