Arcare Pty Ltd has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to defend at 2pm in front of Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in chambers in Melbourne (Ranasinghe).

Kathleen Mary Bennett faced Charters Towers Magistrates Court on Monday afternoon charged with one count of failing to comply with a court order on a restricted licence. She pleaded guilty to the charge as Magistrate Peter Smid read the facts of her case. The court heard that on January 7, police intercepted Bennett’s car on Gill Street where she informed them she was on her way home from work. Conditions of Bennett’s work licence, which she obtained through the same court last year, only allow her to travel to and from her place of employment. Police said she was charged due to her travel being deemed not directly connected to earning a livelihood. Magistrate Smid informed Bennett’s duty lawyer Rebecca Hudson, of Lee, Turnbull and Co. Solicitors, he had no other choice but to suspend and fine her as a result of her actions. Bennett was fined $300 and suspended from driving for three months with convictions being recorded.

Cater Care is to face a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) at 11am before Deputy President Cross in chambers in Sydney (Ngahere).

The temptation of an unsupervised credit card was too much to resist for a Mandurah bricklayer who used it to steal more than $6000 from a 90-year-old woman living in an aged care facility. Police Prosecutor Emma Houghton said 38-year-old Ross Wayne Moore, who had been hired to renovate a bathroom at a house on Gibson Street in Mandurah, racked up more than 213 fraudulent transactions on numerous items, including fuel and fast food, over an 11-week period starting in April 2019. The victim’s family had trusted Moore, allowing him to live at the house during the renovations. The home belonged to the 90-year-old woman who was in aged care facility. The credit card belonged to her son and was used to care for the elderly woman. Moore pleaded guilty to 11 counts of Gains Benefit by Fraud and one count of Stealing. Moore’s duty lawyer told Mandurah Magistrate’s Court that work had dried up and the “temptation” to use the card had been too much. Magistrate Matthew Walton labelled the crime a “gross breach of trust’ and said Moore knew he had “no right” to use the card. Moore was sentenced on February 4 to a seven-month jail term suspended for six months. He was also fined $500 and ordered to pay back the $6173.14.

The Health Services Union and Alfred Health are contesting a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Deputy President Clancy in Court 4 and Conference Room C – Level 6 in Melbourne.

Saltbush Social Enterprise has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) with which it must deal before Commissioner Spencer in chambers in Brisbane (Cameron).

M.Clinicia Pty Ltd is to answer a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Deputy President Beaumont in Hearing Room 12.05 in Perth (Francombe).

An application by St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc (s.240 – Application to deal with a bargaining dispute) will be determined by Commissioner Simpson in Conference Room 1 in Darwin.