Wesley Mission has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer in front of Commissioner P Ryan (by Microsoft teams, audio only, AEDT NSW Times) in Sydney (Anderson)

An application by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.238 – Application for a scope order) will be determined by Commissioner Riodan (By Microsoft teams – audio only – AEST NSW time) in Sydney at 3p.m.

An Application/Notification by Ambulance Employees Association of Western Australia (s.18(b) RO Act – Application for registration by an association of employees) will be heard before Fair Work Deputy President Colman (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne at 11am.

Aim 2 Aspire Pty Ltd has a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) with which it must deal with Commissioner Lim in Chambers in Perth (Davis)

Endeavour Foundation is again facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) this time in front of Commissioner P Ryan (By Microsoft Teams (audio only) AEDT (NSW Time)) in Sydney (Perks)

Elite Physiotherapy WA will answer a s.372 (applications to deal with order contravention disputes) at 4pm before Deputy President Binet in Conference room 12.02 12.04 in Perth

It was alleged that the offences took place at the facility on 7 August 2020 when he was employed as a care worker. The police were called to the facility two days after the incident. Kandel was accused of sexually assaulting two women aged 59 and 35 at the time. Kandel pleaded guilty to charges of rape and aggravated indecent assault in relation to the second victim. “I am satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the accused knew she was not consenting,” Judge Liesl Kudelka said during the hearing at Elizabeth Magistrates Court on Tuesday. In relation to the first victim, District Court Judge Kudelka found Kandel not guilty of aggravated indecent assault. “I am satisfied there was indecent conduct, but I am unsure about the nature of it,” she said. The matter is listed for mention in June when Kandel surrenders into custody. He is on bail for a month with a reporting condition and passport in the court’s custody. The sentencing is said to take place in July.

A former disability support worker has been charged with sexual offences allegedly committed against a client for nine months. Police allege that the 52-year-old man from Atherton, a rural town south-west of Cairns, used his position as a disability support worker to groom a client, engaging in abuse of a person “with an impairment of the mind” from June 2022 to February 2023.