The Health Services Union and Menarock Aged Care Services (Claremont) Pty Ltd have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) contest on foot in front of Commission Wilson in chambers in Melbourne.
March 30, 2020
Cancer Council Victoria is up against a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) in front of Deputy President Millhouse in chambers in Melbourne (Beesley).
March 30, 2020
LiveBetter Community Services is again facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Deputy President Asbury in chambers in Brisbane (Wenman).
March 30, 2020
Uniting AgeWell Limited has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) with which it must contend before Fair Work Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in chambers in Melbourne (Bartlett).
March 30, 2020
The Regional Investment Corporation has appointed Karen Smith-Pomeroy to the RIC board as chairperson, succeeding Ms Prue Bondfield. Ms Bondfield, who has been acting Chair since October 2019 and will remain on the RIC board as a non-executive director, welcomed Ms Smith-Pomeroy, who she said brings valuable experience to the RIC. Ms Smith-Pomeroy has over 30 years’ experience in the financial services sector, most recently as a senior executive with Suncorp.
March 30, 2020
Spiritual care and ageing peak body Meaningful Ageing Australia has become a member of the national body National Aged Care Alliance.
March 30, 2020
Police have arrested a man accused of stealing toilet paper from supermarkets in Sydney’s south west. The 30-year-old was caught by investigators during a vehicle stop in Lidcombe Friday after, after “extensive inquiries” including an appeal to the community for information. The pair targeted toilet paper and allegedly stole multiple packs from the Granville and Auburn stores but left empty-handed from the stores in Bass Hill and Lidcombe. It was also reported that one of the men threatened an employee with a knife at the Auburn store. The arrested man has been taken to Auburn Police Station for questioning an police are continuing their investigation.
March 30, 2020
A sickening assault on an assistant nurse has sparked a public appeal from police who said she was coughed on and punched in the face. It is the fourth reported attack of its kind this week. The 25-year-old was in a takeaway fish and chip shop on the Great Western Hwy at Blackheath about 4.30pm on Tuesday following a shift at an aged-care home when an older woman came in and allegedly “began deliberately coughing in her direction”. Police said the healthcare worker who was wearing her uniform as an “assistant in nursing” was again set upon a short time later. “The healthcare worker was leaving the store when she was again confronted by the woman, who verbally abused her before punching her twice in the face,” police said in a statement. “The worker left the shop and immediately reported the incident to officers from Blue Mountains Police Area Command, who commenced an investigation.” Health Minister Brad Hazzard said he was disgusted frontline medical staff were being targeted amid angst over the coronavirus.