Aegis Aged Care Staff Pty Ltd will mount a defence to a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Deputy President Binet in chambers in Perth (Podlaha).

Three applications by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (S.240 – Application to deal with a bargaining dispute) will be heard contemporaneously at 2pm by Commissioner Bissett (By Telephone).

An application by Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union & Health Services Union and Others (s.157 – FWC may vary etc, modern awards if necessary to achieve modern awards objective) will be heard by the Full Bench in Court 1 – Level 6 in Melbourne today.

A 14th resident at a Western Sydney aged care facility has died after contracting coronavirus, with NSW health authorities confirming four new cases.

A s.586 (Correcting and amending applications and documents etc) application from the Australian Red Cross Society has been allowed by Deputy President Masson in Melbourne on 1 May 2020.

The Health Services Union tried to have a Fair Work Commissioner removed from hearing orders it was seeking against life without barriers and all it got was a slapdown from Commissioner McKinnon in a 7 page ‘go to hell’ adjudication.

A Melbourne paramedic has tested positive to COVID-19, forcing her colleagues into quarantine.

NSW health authorities are investigating possible infection control breaches by staff of a Sydney aged care facility at the centre of a coronavirus cluster. There have been 61 cases and 14 deaths related to transmission at the western Sydney facility. On Saturday, it was announced that two staff members had contracted the virus and NSW Health have deployed two infection control nurses to the facility to review its procedures.