The Health Services Union and Moran Australia (Residential Aged Care) Pty Limited have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) set for hearing by Commissioner Johns in chambers in Sydney at 3pm.
May 13, 2020
An application by Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association (Sch. 6A, Item 5 – Application to terminate a State reference public sector transitional award) will be heard by Fair Work Commissioner Lee (by telephone) in Melbourne this morning.
May 12, 2020
Lendlease Services Pty Ltd has a brace of s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) matters to face before Deputy President Lake in chambers in Brisbane (Kay/Norgrove).
May 12, 2020
A s.365 (General protections) order sought by Kylie Seymour against RSL LifeCare Limited has been partially granted by Fair Work Deputy President Kovacic in Canberra on 11 May 2020. (General protections contravention involving dismissal – request to amend application to add two persons as additional respondents– application granted in part – one person to be added as a respondent.) This decision concerns an application made on 8 November 2019 by Ms Kylie Seymour (the Applicant) under s.550 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) requesting that the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) amend her general protections application (the original application) to add two respondents, Ms Laurie Leigh and Mr Drew Pearce. The original application, made on 18 September 2019, cited RSL LifeCare Limited as the sole Respondent to Ms Seymour’s general protections application. Ms Leigh is the Respondent’s Chief Executive Officer while Mr Pearce is the Respondent’s Chief Financial Officer. Ms Leigh is now also a respondent.
May 12, 2020
An application for approval of the Baptistcare WA Limited Aged Care Services Enterprise Agreement 2019 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) will be determined by Commissioner Booth in chambers in Brisbane at 11am.
May 12, 2020
A drunk and angry Tjuntjuntjara woman who threw rocks at an ambulance and smashed the rear driver’s side window, causing an estimated $1000 in damage, has been fined $800. Loretta Stevens, 30, had been drinking through the night and all morning when an ambulance arrived at Boulder Camp to pick up her cousin at 11am on February 20. Severely intoxicated and angry with her cousin, Stevens picked up a handful of rocks and threw them at the ambulance, causing the rear driver’s side window to smash. Stevens yesterday faced Kalgoorlie Magistrate’s Court via audio link to Tjuntjuntjara and pleaded guilty to a single count of criminal damage of property.
May 12, 2020
A woman who faked a cancer diagnosis to swindle the Nhulunbuy community out of $10,000 has pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court to fraud, forgery and attempting to pervert the course of justice. The court heard Cheryl Elizabeth Pryor, 40, had been living in the town before travelling in January last year to Sydney, where she claimed she had been admitted to hospital after being stabbed in the leg. Pryor told her then friend, who has asked not to be named, she had been diagnosed with leukaemia and throat cancer during her hospital stay. The friend offered to set up a GoFundMe account which she then posted to the Nhulunbuy Notice Board Facebook page. Crown prosecutor Naomi Loudon said community members donated a total of $14,387.31 to the fundraiser before police started investigating in March due to suspicions raised by locals. Pryor subsequently told police she was receiving chemotherapy under the care of Westmead Private Hospital professor Jonathan Carter but investigations revealed the hospital had no records of her as a patient.
May 12, 2020
Registered nurse Anki Groening, of Bega, has chosen to leave her profession rather than receive an annual flu vaccination. Anki Groening, of Bega, has worked as a registered nurse for 10 years, first as a midwife and, for the past three years, in aged care at a Bega facility. She says that for her, the risks associated with getting the flu shot every year far outweigh the benefits. “I had a round of vaccinations to get up-to-date when I completed my nursing degree and had an immediate reaction,” she explains. “I was in bed for six weeks and had unexplained arthritis for two years afterwards. “When I went to the doctor, she said she’d never seen such high levels of autoimmune indicators.” Despite her reaction, Anki tried immunisation one more time while preparing to take a midwifery job in the Solomon Islands. Again, she was seriously ill. “I gave my boss [at the Bega aged care facility] my medical records and said that getting the shot every year to continue working there would jeopardise my health. “I let them decide, but it’s out of their hands, they have to follow government rules.”