Carino Care Pty Ltd has a s.394 ( Application for unfair dismissal remedy) with which it must contend before Commissioner McKenna (by telephone) in Sydney (Conteh)

Royal Freemasons Ltd is set to defend a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Fair Work Deputy President Clancy (by telephone) in Melbourne (Jackson)

An application by Health Services Union (s.240 – Application to deal with a bargaining dispute) will be heard by Commissioner Lee (by telephone) in Melbourne

Regis Aged Care has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) with which it must contend before Commissioner Yilmaz (by telephone) in Melbourne (Caddell).

Communities @ Work Limited has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer before Deputy President Kovacic in chambers in Canberra (Gulia).

Goobidi-Bamanga Community Advancement Cooperative Society Limited has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer before Deputy President Lake in chambers in Brisbane (Naden).

Southern Cross Community Healthcare Pty Ltd will face a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Deputy President Asbury in chambers in Brisbane (Leffanue).

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application from May Shaw Health Centre Inc T/A May Shaw Health Centre for the May Shaw Health Centre Inc. Non Nursing Staff Agreement – Scottisdale 2019 has been ratified by Deputy President Millhouse in Melbourne on 20 May 2020.