The Community and Public Sector Union And The Benevolent Society are arguing the merits of a s.379 (application to deal with a dispute) in front of Deputy President Boyce (by telephone) in Sydney
June 30, 2020
Southern Cross Community Healthcare Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Deputy President Lake (in chambers) in Brisbane (Fuesaina)
June 30, 2020
Mckenzie Aged Care Group has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) ready for hearing by Vice President Catanzariti (by telephone) in Sydney (Miller).
June 30, 2020
An application by Health Services Union (s.157 – FWC may vary etc. modern awards if necessary to achieve modern awards objective) will be reviewed by the Full Bench (by telephone) in Melbourne at noon.
June 30, 2020
The Department of Health and Human Services has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) to defend before Deputy President Colman (in chambers by phone) in Melbourne (Dodson).
June 30, 2020
A tireless advocate for the health of children has died in a freak accident at a Waiheke Island restaurant. Paul Cressey, 80, died after tripping while walking down some stairs and hitting his head following a lunch with his close friends and his wife Sheryn on Tuesday afternoon. He was taken by Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Auckland Hospital, where nurses and intensive care specialists worked tirelessly to save his life. He died the following morning, surrounded by family. His son Mark Cressey paid tribute to the work of hospital staff, who did not know his father was a former longstanding Counties Manukau District Health Board member. Paul was a pharmacist by training who was instrumental in establishing Ronald McDonald houses in New Zealand, following the death of his son Carl from Leukaemia, aged nine.
June 30, 2020
A former aged care employee who withdrew $1600 from her elderly client’s account for herself after she took his wallet with his bank card and PIN written down. Candice Groenestein, 28, pleaded guilty to a single count of obtaining a financial advantage by deception at her first appearance in Nowra Local Court on Monday. In agreed facts tendered to the court, the former Illawarra Retirement Trust community care nurse attended an elderly Nowra couple’s house once or twice a week to assist with home care services. Her duties included taking the 93-year-old man, who also has dementia, shopping. In November last year, the man and his 92-year-old wife were admitted to Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital. Groenestein visited the couple in hospital when “at this time she took the wallet from the draw,” facts stated. Groenestein left the hospital and 30 minutes later withdrew $800 from an ATM in Nowra. The next morning she again took $800 from an ATM in Nowra. On December 4, the husband told his wife his wallet was missing and she went looking for it. Groenestein arrived at the hospital and told the wife “Fred’s wallet and key card is in the drawer” and pointed to the bedside table. The noticed the missing cash after viewing his bank statement and reported the matter to police. Groenestein was arrested on March 9, but denied she took the cash for herself. In facts tendered to the court, Groenestein at first told police the wife gave her the key card and PIN to withdraw $800 to give to the neighbour to pay bills and another $800 to buy cakes and magazines for her. Groenestein told police she gave the cash to the wife each time. However, she pleaded guilty to the charge in court. She was convicted and fined $1000 and she was ordered to repay $1600 to the victims within 28 days.
June 26, 2020
Jamia Healthcare Pty Ltd has a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) with which it must contend before Deputy President Hamilton by telephone in Melbourne (Pandza).