South Australian aged care provider Life Care has appointed Bethany Finn as the provider’s inaugural executive chef in residence.

Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd is up against a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner McKenna by telephone in Sydney (Kimber).

The Dieri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) alive before Deputy President Anderson in chambers in Adelaide (Warren).

A s.394 (unfair dismissal) application from Christina Massaga against Activ Foundation Inc has been knocked back by Deputy President Binet in Perth on 19 October 2020.

The Community and Public Sector Union and Cerebral Palsy Alliance – Accommodation Northern Sydney Ltd have a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Deputy President Boyce at level 14 – hearing room 14.1 in the FWC in Sydney.

An application by Health Services Union (s.229 – application for bargaining order) will be ruled upon at 2pm by Commissioner Lee by telephone in Melbourne.

A s.394 (unfair dismissal) application from Samantha Bartolo against Little Wings Limited has been rejected by Fair Work Deputy President Sams in Sydney on 19 October 2020. “Termination of employment – application for an unfair dismissal remedy – Marketing and Communications Manager for a charity – impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the charity – all sources of funds lost – dramatic steps taken to minimise adverse effects – redundancy of the applicant – whether applicant’s dismissal a case of genuine redundancy – jurisdictional objection – options proposed by applicant not relevant to s.389 of the Act – applicant’s position no longer required to be performed by anyone – consultation as to the applicant’s options – redeployment not reasonable in all the circumstances – jurisdictional objection upheld – applicant’s dismissal a case of genuine redundancy – no unfair dismissal – Commission has no jurisdiction – application dismissed.”

Former Frasers Property Australia chief executive Rod Fehring has taken the role of chairman of the National Affordable Housing Alliance, a new grouping of peak housing and property groups focused, along with the ACTU, ACOSS and Industry Super Australia, on increasing the provision of social and affordable housing.