The Health Services Union and Presbyterian Aged Care have a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) with which to deal before Commissioner Johns in Chambers in Sydney.

An application for termination of the CLO Psychosocial Support Enterprise Agreement 2009 (s.225 – application for termination of an enterprise agreement after its nominal expiry date) will be determined by Fair Work Commissioner Platt in chambers in Adelaide.

A s.185 (application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) by State of Victoria (Department of Health and Human Services) for the MCH Nurses (Department of Health and Human Services) Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Cirkovic in Melbourne on 10 November 2020.

A s.394 – (Unfair dismissal) application by Kym Kuskey against Bolton Clarke has been supported by Fair Work Commissioner Booth in Brisbane on 04 November 2020.

A s.251 – (Single interest employer authorisation) sought by the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association has been granted by Deputy President Clancy in Melbourne on 05 November 2020.

A s.185 (application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) by Gold Coast Community Lifestyles Ltd T/A Gold Coast Community Lifestyles for its Gold Coast Community Lifestyles Ltd Enterprise Agreement 2020 (social, community, home care and disability services) has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Hunt in Brisbane on 6 November 2020.

A s.394 – (Unfair dismissal) application from Victor Wright against Macleay Options Incorporated has been dismissed by Deputy President Saunders in Newcastle on 04 November 2020.

NASAA Organic General Manager, Alex Mitchell, said, ‘The Board welcomes Tim Marshall and Mark Anderson to the NASAA Organic Board, following our recent Annual General Meeting held on Friday 30 October, in South Australia. Tim and Mark bring additional experience and perspective to our skills based Board, joining the ongoing Directors, Phil Rowe, Phillip Sutherland and Liz Pitcher.’ Tim was elected as Chairperson of the NASAA Organic Board, with Phil Rowe continuing as Deputy Chair.